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Click VideoDownloader.exe to download HD & MP3

When you are playing a movie using Televzr, you are not only enjoying high quality resolution and an elegant and user-friendly interface, but you can also have access to all the relevant IMDb information about your movie. Televzr will collect information such as genre, duration, director and cast, including the pictures and biography of all the main actors involved. In this way you can have the complete overview and knowledge about the movie and don’t have to waste your time in searching scattered information on the web.

So how to access all the IMDb information about your movie? Simply play the movie in normal screen mode and you will see the light blue button “show info” below the movie window. Just click on it to open the IMDb info mode and enjoy all the available info about the movie. Once you don’t need it anymore, simply close it by clicking on the button “hide” and go back to playing mode. Please notice that you can open the movie anytime in full screen mode, to have the best experience and remove from the view all the controls that are not necessary at the moment.

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What is Televzr media player?

Televzr is a feature-rich and flexible solution designed to play all kind of videos and music in a user-friendly and powerful interface. All what you have to do is to install Televzr on your computer and run the program.

How to boost sound in Televzr player?

Televzr comes with an excellent sound quality that will make your media experience remarkable. You can manage your sound settings in Televzr player any moment, using the dark coloured bar for control settings.

How to search video by name in Televzr media player?

Televzr is designed to automatically sort your videos by categories and keep your digital library collection always in order and easily accessible. All the video files are divided into clips, movies and tv shows, according to content type.


We take copyright infringement very seriously, thus any kind of copyright infringement is not allowed. Pursuant to the repeat infringer policy requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we maintain a list of DMCA notices from copyright holders and make a good faith effort to identify any repeat infringers. Those that violate our internal repeat infringer policy will have their accounts terminated. Once the copyright holder sends us a notice, we will blacklist the mentioned material from the searching results. You can send us a removal request via the following form:

We have received your appeal

We will get back to you once we have processed it

Have questions about installation and use?

Click here

Step 1:Click here and open the file

Step 2:Click Televzr.dmg to install